Friday, April 16, 2010

16 Hours O' Fun

So every once in a while at my job, where I am a security dispatcher, we have to do double shifts which is 16 hours.  So on this delightful 16 hours shift, I'm just now starting my 14th hours, I have two newbie officers calling things in.  Yay! <--sarcasm. Right now, I am running on 2 and 1/2 hours of sleep.  I fell asleep at 2:15 and woke up at 4:45. I think that's 2 and 1/2 hours. My math could be slightly off right now.  Not sure.  But that's what happens after I work from 2pm to 10pm, then expected back 8 hours later. And I'm a night owl. While I managed to stay awake today at work, I don't think I'll be staying up very late tonight.  Okay, so if this blog doesn't make very much sense.  We'll just blame the sleep deprivation. :-)

So back to the EQ stuff.  I read part 2 of the lesson and it's still making sense, and while I do not have complete control over my emotions, part 1 helped me deal with the surprise of working a double when it could have easily been split into a 12 hour shift with another co-worker.  Although, I don't enjoy working a full 16 hour shift, part 1 of the lesson helped me be more chill about the situation.  I've been a lot more relaxed about different things lately simply because of part one, I've learned how to quickly de stress the situation and in the mean time, I feel better.  I've been counting to five and then started to think about the situation.  But I will not let Peeves get the better of me, and my new EQ control will help me get on his nerves quite well. Soon I will be his Peeves. :-p

Saturday, April 10, 2010

EQ and Quick Stress Relief

Yesterday was a bad day. It started bad, but did end well.  I guess because I got to leave work and get to sleep on time.  I was hoping for a good day, but that did not happen.  Peeves didn't show up for work.  Well he did, but was just passing through.  So I didn't have to deal with him.  He will be here today though.  So, in order to stop any kind of stress or atleast to diminish any kind of stress that I've been dealing with I am going to continue with the breathing techniques and start the techniques below.

I am going to be reading Emotional Intelligence articles over this next week. It is a guide to start "Learning to Harness the Power of Your Emotions". Which would be really good for me. Especially to deal with the levels of stress and emotions I have been dealing with lately.
As well as the EQ articles I am also going to be reading and emplementing Quick Stress Relief into my life. Especially since I have been super stressed with work and my personal life lately. I think it will be beneficial to learn and emplement both for anyone in their life.  I have a lot of reading to do.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Breathing Techniques

So I'll admit, I have never looked up breathing techniques on the internet, and the first one I find is so amazing.  I tried it and it worked! *big doh* 

First step- Breath in through your nose for five full seconds.

Second step- Breath out through your mouth for six full seconds.

Third step- Do this for 2 minutes. 

And your done.  This should relax you (I know it did for me) and get you focused on what you truly need to concentrate on. :-)

So I'm excited.  This seems like a good stress reliever for my work with Peeves tomorrow night.  After that exercise, his new nickname doesn't even bother me. :-)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

April 9. 2010

It is technically April 9, 2010, but to me, it is still April 8th.  I have not yet been to sleep. Lately, I have had a lot of things on my mind.  And I guess that has been keeping me up later at night as of late.  So for now I am trying a new philosophy, dropping all of the little things. 

I work at a major mall in Houston, TX as a security dispatcher.  I love my job, but lately I have been having issues with several things.  Which has made me start despising it.  I guess everyone gets there eventually with their job.  I have been at this job for almost four years.  I will hit the four year marker in May.  Mind you, this is security, many do not stay this long.  In fact, within my own office, there are just a handful of us that have done so.  I know that everyone of these people have reached the same point of desperation that I have.  I think that this desperation comes from holding on to things. 

I will not lie, I have issues with a certain co-worker, and he or she is the root of my desperation.  Everytime I am around this person I get frustrated and I admit will act rebellious.  Yes, this person is someone who is ranked higher than I at my place of work.  But I have trouble respecting that position they are in.  Especially when the people around that person does their work for them.  I am aware that sometimes people of higher positions do need to delegate their work because they are busy.  But this person delegates most parts of their job to the people in positions under them.  My biggest pet peeve about this person.

I could name a numerous amount of delegations, but I am trying to write this to get this out of my system.  This blog is my release valve. 

So back to my philosophy.  When I have a little thing that is bugging me, or causing me to be so frustrated that I see red, I am going to step back and breathe.  At my job, this can be very hard to do, simply because dispatch is the person to call.  But in those brief moments I have in time when I am not busy, I will be stepping back, walking into another room when I have the chance, to just relax, close my eyes for a solid minute and concentrate on breathing. 

Tomorrow night I will be working with Peeves(named for the fact that they are my biggest pet peeve) for four hours, even though they are supposed to be off of work.... *insert rolling eye emoticon here* and will put my new philosophy into play. 

So as I send this post into a void of readerless blog land, I go to look up different breathing techniques to rid stress and frustration.  Goodnight and Bueno Noche. :-)