Friday, April 16, 2010

16 Hours O' Fun

So every once in a while at my job, where I am a security dispatcher, we have to do double shifts which is 16 hours.  So on this delightful 16 hours shift, I'm just now starting my 14th hours, I have two newbie officers calling things in.  Yay! <--sarcasm. Right now, I am running on 2 and 1/2 hours of sleep.  I fell asleep at 2:15 and woke up at 4:45. I think that's 2 and 1/2 hours. My math could be slightly off right now.  Not sure.  But that's what happens after I work from 2pm to 10pm, then expected back 8 hours later. And I'm a night owl. While I managed to stay awake today at work, I don't think I'll be staying up very late tonight.  Okay, so if this blog doesn't make very much sense.  We'll just blame the sleep deprivation. :-)

So back to the EQ stuff.  I read part 2 of the lesson and it's still making sense, and while I do not have complete control over my emotions, part 1 helped me deal with the surprise of working a double when it could have easily been split into a 12 hour shift with another co-worker.  Although, I don't enjoy working a full 16 hour shift, part 1 of the lesson helped me be more chill about the situation.  I've been a lot more relaxed about different things lately simply because of part one, I've learned how to quickly de stress the situation and in the mean time, I feel better.  I've been counting to five and then started to think about the situation.  But I will not let Peeves get the better of me, and my new EQ control will help me get on his nerves quite well. Soon I will be his Peeves. :-p

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