Saturday, April 10, 2010

EQ and Quick Stress Relief

Yesterday was a bad day. It started bad, but did end well.  I guess because I got to leave work and get to sleep on time.  I was hoping for a good day, but that did not happen.  Peeves didn't show up for work.  Well he did, but was just passing through.  So I didn't have to deal with him.  He will be here today though.  So, in order to stop any kind of stress or atleast to diminish any kind of stress that I've been dealing with I am going to continue with the breathing techniques and start the techniques below.

I am going to be reading Emotional Intelligence articles over this next week. It is a guide to start "Learning to Harness the Power of Your Emotions". Which would be really good for me. Especially to deal with the levels of stress and emotions I have been dealing with lately.
As well as the EQ articles I am also going to be reading and emplementing Quick Stress Relief into my life. Especially since I have been super stressed with work and my personal life lately. I think it will be beneficial to learn and emplement both for anyone in their life.  I have a lot of reading to do.

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